Watch Broken Chains (2017) online

Genre: Crime / Drama / Thriller / New Movie / Biography / Adventure / Action
Year: 2017
Country: USA
Time: 1h 30min
Director:Shannon Brown
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After barely surviving a violently abusive husband, Brianna is finally ready to move on. Along with her two children, she's ready to finalize divorce proceedings, save what is left of her home, and somehow repair the pieces of her shattered life. However, her vengeful soon-to-be-ex-husband isn't done with her. With his connections in organized crime, he arranges Brianna's abduction and subsequently sells her into the sex trade underworld. In a story that spans from the streets of New Jersey to the underbelly of the Chinese sex trade industry, Brianna is once again, a prisoner. With friends on both sides of the law looking for her, her two children desperately in need of her, and the plight of her fellow sex trade prisoners now in her conscience, Brianna must find the resolve to retain a fighting spirit. She must hold on to the idea that she can go home again. A horrific story of betrayal and survival, and the next time your gut gives you a warning, take heed, these feelings could save..
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