Watch The Canyonlands (2021) online

Watch The Canyonlands (2021) online 4K
Sounds deliciously exciting doesnt it... but its not, its a horror movie but it aint proper horror either, rather a 101 how to make mistakes when making movies is my best description. it has an undertone of indian vs the new settlers from the brave old world, without any touch of real myths or history.i shall not tear this project apart, just say that cheating deserve beating because they do not know dark filming, and with a plot thats darkdepending its gross. there are clear stary stary artifiscial sky where the ''screen''(green,blue etc) is clearly visible is very very poor production.
there are two things i can positively mention, that is great drone aerials of the natural scenery(in daylight), and a pretty decent film music. the rest is just amateuristic rubbish without any contact with the spiritual corners of oneself. use a bit fantasy, and train the dawgs better next time.this is a sleeping pill for the grumpy old man, that doesnt use the single star unit too often...
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