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Senior Moment (2021)
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance / New Movie
Year: 2021
Country: USA
Time: 1h 32min
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Forced to ride the bus, Victor meets Caroline Summers who owns an organic cafe called the "Coo Coo Cafe" and heads a grassroots organization to save the endangered desert tortoise. Victor particularly wins her heart when he and Sal, using Sal's expertise as a jewler, repair a 19th century coo coo clock, a family heirloom of Caroline's, which had not functioned for years, but for which her Cafe is named.

Victor, twice, believes he sees his Porsche being driven in the area, and with the help of Pablo, who has befriended him and feels somewhat responsible for Victor losing his car and license, catches the private security guard at the impound lot illegally renting it out. The excitement and anger of this discovery cause Victor to have a heart attack and Pablo drives him to the hospital in the Porsche. Theft charges for taking the Porsche from the impound lot are dropped due to the emergency of the heart attack.

Eventually, Victor passes the necessary written and behind the wheel tests to get his driver's license reinstated. He sells his Porche to Pablo for far below its value as thanks for saving his life, and buys a BMW Z4 to replace it, and Sal is seen cruising in Pablo's lowrider, apparently having bought it.

Through their relationship, Victor develops a passion for saving the desert tortoise, and Caroline develops a guilty pleasure of riding in fast cars, despite her environmentalist leanings.

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