Watch Frumoasa luptătoare Sailor Moon Eternal: Filmul (2021) online

Genre: Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / New Movie / Animation / Adventure / Action
Year: 2021
Country: Japan
Time: 2h 40min
Director:Chiaki Kon
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Picking off where Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 left off, during the Solar eclipse, Usagi, Chibiusa, and Mamoru receive a vision from a pegasus named Helios asking for their help, and Mamoru gets a stabbing feeling in his chest. The Dead Moon Circus arrives on a flagship, and inside it are the evil hag Zirconia and the Amazoness Quartet (CereCere, PallaPalla, JunJun, and VesVes), who conjures a dark barrier around the area where the circus is.That night, Chibiusa dreams of riding Helios, who gives her a bell, telling her to ring it if she needs him, and that he needs the Golden Crystal to save Elysion. When Chibiusa tries to return to the 30th century with Diana, the dark barrier stops her and alerts PallaPalla, prompting VesVes to send a tiger to investigate. Usagi and Chibiusa attempt to stop the tiger, but are unable to transform due to the barrier, until their brooches are upgraded, allowing them to transform into Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon. VesVes and PallaPalla then arrive, and the latter summons nightmare creatures called Lemures. Sailor Chibi Moon summons Pegasus, who gives her and Sailor Moon new magic weapons, enabling them to use Moon Gorgeous Meditation to destroy the Lemures. Mamoru faints from the pain in his chest, and PallaPalla switches Usagi and Chibiusa's ages.
Zirconia is instructed by her master, Queen Nehelenia, to let the Sailor Guardians' nightmares take hold of them so she can obtain the Silver Crystal. PallaPalla turns the tiger, a hawk, and a fish into humans named Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye, and Fish Eye (known as the Amazon Trio). Respectively, Fish Eye, Tiger's Eye, and Hawk's Eye trap Ami, Rei, and Makoto in nightmares, but they are able to break free of them and transform with their crystals; Sailor Mercury stops Fish Eye's nightmare with Mercury Aqua Rhapsody with Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon defeating him, Sailor Mars destroys Tiger's Eye with Mars Flame Sniper, and Sailor Jupiter destroys Hawk's Eye with Jupiter Oak Evolution. Mamoru coughs up blood from his illness, which Helios reveals to be caused by a black rose that he also has in his chest due Elysion, a sacred place deep within the earth, weakening. When the Silver Millennium was destroyed, the seal on Nehelenia, who rules the Dead Moon, faltered, and she cursed Elysion, turning Helios, its priest, into a pegasus and imprisoning him in a cage in Elysion, from which he is astral projecting. The solar eclipse enabled Nehelenia and her minions to come to Earth. Sailor Moon says she will heal Mamoru and hugs him which then gives Usagi the same curse as Mamoru.
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