» » F.E.A.R. (2021)

Watch F.E.A.R. (2021) online

F.E.A.R. (2021)
Genre: Horror / Thriller / New Movie / Action
Year: 2021
Country: United States
Time: 1h 41min
Watch F.E.A.R. (2021) online 4K
The "film director" with one review thinks throwing words like "metaphor" can save this movie - No, sorry Jim, not convinced!

Movie started off quite well with a promising albeit worn; but not quite dead yet it seems, hoary old chestnut of a theme, no zombies either folks , more 28 days later fast moving, rabid, brainless cannibals - Still we like, even if the makeup was slightly pants, it was not bad enough to be funny like some cinematic apocalypse turkeys and held an element of fear to it and thus overcoming the major stumbling block most movies of the "infected" genre seem to have which kills any of this type of film from the start!

I go into a movie not looking for mistakes and basing my review on many things like the budget, acting, photography and so should the other reviewers when attempting to critique fairly. This is no Walking Dead or Day Of The Dead level of budget and who bothers about how good a shot someone is? Ever fired a gun? Not as easy as it looks in the movies let me tell you even at point blank range! Its fiction not reality but so many reviewers seem to forget this. Moviemaking is meant to transport you to another realm of enjoyment, not sit criticising how accurate period details are or if the guns are authentic or not - who cares - does it entertain that is what i look for?

Acting was decent for the main part with the exception of the black guy and the kid who looks from the off with his pink lipstick lips, girlie eyelashes and squeaky voice like a little girl and with zero acting ability it did spoil things unfortunately. The rest of the cast can actually perform with the standout performance being from Susan Moore Harmon who stole the show as the female badass but sadly this is where my enjoyment ended and as another reviewer pointed out it was basically an hour of the actors "contemplating their navels" as the old saying goes with not much action or story and sadly adds nothing more to the genre!

Still, it is a lot better than a large tranche of the current apocalypse/zombie fare doing the rounds over the last few years. View it more as a Sci-fi channel Sunday afternoon movie and you should be good to go!

I give it a fair 4 out of 10 hatchets on the horror scale, almost gets an extra star for the innovative title but not quite!

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