Watch Survive the Game (2021) online

Genre: Thriller / New Movie / Action
Year: 2021
Country: United States
Time: 1h 37min
Director:James Cullen Bressack
Watch Survive the Game (2021) online 4K
Bruce will release 8 movies in 2021 and has been on a tear in recent years churning out this garbage. That's one movie every 6 weeks, one heckova pace. His past few years have shown that he is clearly a quantity over quality type of actor and I'm guessing he just owes people money.Nobody can do acting like this and like it. It's a job, and I assume he's forced to do it. Maybe that can explain how he purposely lacks any effort in his films. I made it less than 10 minutes and it's no different than his other frequent garbage.
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