Watch Heart of Hope (2021) online

Genre: Drama / Family / New Movie
Year: 2021
Country: United Kingdom
Time: 1h 34min
Director:Roydon Turner
Watch Heart of Hope (2021) online 4K
A heart warming family film that quite literally tells a heartbreaking story of a young girl in need of a heart transplant.This film highlights the difficult reality that young children (and their families) face in need of organ donations in a world with such limited supply.
A parental roller coaster of emotional unnerving, pain and worry whilst providing the right balance of humour, love, joy and relief to ultimately tell a tale of hope and overcoming adversity.
Fantastic performances by Iris (Connie Kiss Me) and grandma Jenny (Linda-Jean Barry). The use of Ballet and Colours as metaphor brings a fantastical touch of Narnia meets Cirque de Soleil meets Never Ending Story. The director Roydon Turner is certainly one to watch.
Definitely got me thinking about signing up our children to be organ donors which goes against a parents natural protective instinct.
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