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Bats (2021)

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Where to start? I would like to say there was one positive thing to say about this film but there really isn't. None of the film makes any sense and isn't helped at all with the atrocious acting. The start of it was ridiculous and had the one decent person in the whole film who had any likeability or could act a bit. From the end of that first scene it runs at a snails pace and doesn't improve at all. The creature looks ridiculous and doesn't act like the predator were supposed to believe it is. Also bats have good ears so with all the shouting i I don't know why it left them alone. They basically do everything that would get them attacked. No real suspense or thrill to it at all. The other bats films are so bad they're good, but this is so bad all round. They're supposed to be a family but they could just be a bunch of strangers or acquaintances. No one to root for and you basically want them all to die horrendous deaths just so the film can end. Don't waste your time with this. The earlier bats films are so much better. The ending is cliché and so laughable how she kills the creature of which there seems to be only one is such poor writing. I was hoping for a bit of redemption but there was none - give this film a wide birth and ank me later.

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